Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Why this blog.

Ray was diagnosed with non-small cell carcinoma--lung cancer--two days before Christmas, 2009. There are 4 types of lung cancer, the most aggressive of which is small cell carcinoma. His cancer is NON-small cell carcinoma, but we don't know yet, which of the other 3 types he has. We also don't know the "stage" of his cancer.

He's supposed to get another CT scan this coming Thursday to see if he has any cancer anywhere else in his body. According to our GP, Dr. Paquette, the "stage" will become known after this next CT scan.

For the last week, we've been trying to decide what path to follow to rid Ray of this unwelcome invasion. After lots of time on the Internet and reading Suzanne Somers latest book, Knockout: Interviews with Doctors Who Are Curing Cancer--And How to Prevent Getting It in the First Place, we've decided that--rather than going the traditional route of chemotherapy, radiation and surgery, we will go to the Burzynski Clinic (http://www.burzynskiclinic.com/) in Houston, where Ray will be treated with gene therapy, nutrition and supplements.

Definite plans are still up in the air at this time, but I will try to post to this blog as often as I can to keep you up-to-date on how Ray's doing and what we're doing.

Stay tuned.